Finding Joy in Helicopter Seeds

Third grade is one of my favorite times in childhood. Kids this age tend to be both capable, and expressive. They aren’t yet too cool for showing joy, and yet they can tie their shoes and put on their coats without assistance. They can walk reasonable distances and understand big ideas. They are in the … Read more

Volunteer Voices: Finding Animals and Connection at Hoyt Arboretum

My daughter Vivian’s summer camp canceled their entire week of programming on the first day of camp. Summer Scramble Vivian had just graduated kindergarten, and even if she wasn’t super excited about getting carsick in the camp’s big school bus, she was excited that it was finally summer. Then she found herself stuck in the … Read more

Hike to Pittock Mansion on Wildwood

Pittock Mansion is a 1.5 mile walk from the Hoyt Arboretum Visitor Center: through the Arboretum, across the Barbara Walker Crossing footbridge, and along the Wildwood Trail. Though the trail gains around 300 feet in elevation between Barbara Walker Crossing and Pittock, the views from the top and the verdant forest along the trail are … Read more

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