Verdant Ventures: A Summer Visitor’s Guide

When the cool spring rains give way to the warm sun of summer, the plants of Hoyt Arboretum enter new phenological stages. In some cases, flowers turn to fruits and seeds, and the Arboretum is green and ripening.   Fruits & Berries Red elderberries and red huckleberries can be found lining the woodsy trails above your … Read more

Recommendations for Your Winter Visit

Every season has something spectacular to show at Hoyt Arboretum. Winter is no exception. Our Conifer Collection is green and commanding year-round.  Witch-hazel, Camellia, Viburnum, Mahonia, Hellebores, and more can all be found blooming in the winter months. Here are a few ideas of where to go and what to see at Hoyt Arboretum in … Read more

Finding Joy in Helicopter Seeds

Third grade is one of my favorite times in childhood. Kids this age tend to be both capable, and expressive. They aren’t yet too cool for showing joy, and yet they can tie their shoes and put on their coats without assistance. They can walk reasonable distances and understand big ideas. They are in the … Read more

Owls at Hoyt Arboretum

Baby barred owls have taken up residence in the Arboretum! Yesterday during a walking meeting (yes, we work in the BEST place!), Ajah, Nina, and I heard a kerfuffle of bird sounds. Our attention drawn, we witnessed several crows flapping, and a much larger, brown bird swoop down to land on the lower branch of … Read more

Water Catchment Tank Pilot Project

A newly planted tree need 4 gallons of water a week, and with 189 acres and 6,000 trees to look after, that’s a lot of watering! Climate Change As our summers get hotter, dryer, and longer, watering is of increasing concern. To support these needs, Hoyt Arboretum Curator Martin Nicholson is piloting a Water Catchment Tank … Read more

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