This beautiful purple-leafed shrub starts flowering in June. The flower clusters, or panicles, change colors as they age, in September creating a “smoky” effect. Find it on the Hawthorn Trail just south of its intersection with Wildwood Trail.
Golden Chain Tree
Laburnum anagyroides
The Golden Chain Tree is a must-see in June! Its hard-to-miss blooms are long (6”-10”), pendulous, and bright yellow.
Japanese Snow-Bell
Styrax japonicus
Native to Japan, China, and Korea, the Japanese Snow-Bell blooms in May and June. Drooping below the dark, lustrous leaves are groups of three to six 5-lobed white flowers with yellow stamens. With its small fruits and smooth gray bark, this tree is a multi-season pleaser. Find it on the Maple Trail, below Knights Blvd, next to the stairs connecting the Maple Trail to the Wildwood Trail.