Crataegus calpodendron (Pear Hawthorne), Crataegus coccinoides (Kansas Hawthorne), Crataegus laevigata (English Hawthorne)
It’s time for our hawthorns to begin fruiting! Look at the brilliant red fruit ripening on our Pear, Kansas, and English Hawthorns. The fruit will remain on the branches through winter, long after leaf drop. They are planted along Hawthorn Trail.
Common Snowberry
Symphoricarpos albus
Although the Common Snowberry’s flower display is not showy, its fruit is quite the opposite. Starting in September, this multi-stemmed shrub produces large clusters of white drupes that stand out against the brown bark after leaf drop.
Yellow Mountain Magnolia
Magnolia cylindrica
The Yellow Mountain or Huangshan Magnolia, native to southeast China, fruits in September. This magnolia tree produces two- to three-inch upright fruit that resembles a pink pine cone.
Coral Bark Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum ‘Sango Kaku’
Fall and winter are gorgeous months for this maple, whose leaves begin turning yellow while its bark flushes coral red with cold weather. It is found on Bristlecone Pine Trail near Gingko collection.